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Bad Rabbit Ransomware Uses Leaked 'EternalRomance' NSA Exploit to Spread

jQuery Official Blog Hacked — Stay Calm, Library is Safe!

FBI failed to access 7,000 encrypted mobile devices

Dangerous Malware Allows Anyone to Empty ATMs—And It’s On Sale!

Wi-fi security flaw 'puts devices at risk of hacks'

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New Ransomware Not Just Encrypts Your Android But Also Changes PIN Lock

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Hackers Steal $60 Million from Taiwanese Bank

Warning: Millions Of P0rnHub Users Hit With Malvertising Attack

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U.S. Believes Russian Spies Used Kaspersky Antivirus to Steal NSA Secrets

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Wifite (An automated wireless attack tool)

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Judge: FBI Doesn't Have to Reveal How It Unlocked iPhone Used by San Bernardino Terrorist